Sunday, September 3, 2023

How to Dramatically Improve Email Open Rates and Clickthrough Rates - Im...

What's up everyone! In today's video I'm going to share with you my strategy for testing and improving email marketing campaigns using traffic sources like safe lists and traffic exchanges. I recently started promoting a program called My Traffic Powerline through various safe lists. After sending out a bunch of emails, I downloaded the data into a spreadsheet so I could analyze the open and click-through rates. The spreadsheet is linked below so you can follow along. I sorted the data to identify the best performing subject lines and body copy. The top subject lines got open rates over 15%, with the best at 29%. But some emails with low open rates (like 4-8%) actually had INSANE click-through rates of 30-47%! This tells me that something about the message resonated and compelled people to click. So I'm going to blend the high-converting body copy with the best subject lines to create some new emails that should rock! For example, take the subject line "Make Money Playing Red Light Green Light" and combine it with the body copy "If you can share pictures on Facebook, you can make money from home." I'm also testing out sending to cold email lists on Clickly. So far it's been promising, driving 39 unique visitors last week. I'll put links below to both the spreadsheet and My Lead Gen Secret so you can check those out if interested. Let me know if you have any other tips for improving email marketing campaigns! Smash that like button and be sure to subscribe! Spreadsheet:
MyLeadGenSecret gives you 100-200 leads per day and the opportunity to send one email every 24 hours to your accumulated list. See Webizinsider: My Traffic Powerline - we did 5k in 4 days. INCOME DISCLAIMER - Rob Fore, the producer of this video and any co-hosts interviewed, shown, mentioned or highlighted make no income claims whatsoever and we make no 'average affiliate income' claims whatsoever because... what you make or do not make as a business owner is absolutely 100% up to what you do or do not do to make a profit based on the time, talent and expertise you bring or do not bring to the table. AFFILIATE ASSOCIATIONS - ASSUME EVERY WEBSITE AND LINK MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO AND WRITTEN HERE IN THE DESCRIPTION AREA OF THIS VIDEO WILL EARN AN AFFILIATE COMMISSION WHEN SOMEONE CLICKS THE LINKS AND MAKES A PURCHASE.

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